Thursday, July 1, 2010

Game. Set. Match.

It's over. It's finally over. Four years of engineering can never go by quickly enough, and even after it was over, it took a bit of time to sink in. These four years have changed me, so much so that it is impossible to recognize the 18 year-old smart-ass who strolled into engineering four years ago, thinking that he was going to conquer the world. During these four years, I lost and then regained my faith in myself and everything around me, and it has been one hell of a ride. There was a time when my books seemed to have 'HazMat' plastered all over them..!! Professors were enemies, and results were hell. Fortunately, everything worked out, and I'm much better off as a result.

  Couldn't resist :-P

It is the smaller things that remind me everyday that I am a computer engineer.

When I go to gym (yes I do go to gym), I choose locker number 255.
I spend some time each day reading stuff about technology and now I actually understand what I read! Google is my new best friend...I'm really sounding like an engineer, aren't I??

But, I'm being unfair. The last four years have also been the most challenging and enjoyable of my life thus far. I've learnt a lot about myself, about people, and life in general. I've learnt that my family really believe in me, and that I should listen to them more. I've made some brilliant friends, most of whom will hopefully be my friends for life. We've had some great times, and I'll miss all of it - travelling together...going on trips together...the endless laughter, the occasional fights....and the never-ending support through times good and bad.

The people who made the last four years memorable...apologies to those still missing

However, as much as this post seems to be about the end of a wonderful part of my life, it is also about the beginning of a new one. Looking back is great. It's necessary too. But looking ahead is even more important. And I'll admit...I'm a bit afraid. Stepping out into the real world is not easy, and it's going to take me right out of my comfort zone. Out go the shorts, chappals and funky t-shirts. In come the full-sleeved shirts(i'm feeling hot already), the pants, and the formal shoes. Yep, teenager no more.

But change cannot be avoided. Our lives will change, I will change, we all will change. This blog will change. From now on it will be more personal, and I hope you will enjoy it as much. I have realized that I am not writing an opinion column in a newspaper and I should get more personal. Of course, those who know me well know that my opinion on anything and everything comes for free, and that will not change!

So, as I step cautiously into a new phase of my life, I would like to say Thank You to everybody who made the last four years an enjoyable experience - my family, friends, and even a few strangers.

Here's to change, and a new beginning.

It's time.


  1. Nice... You just summarized an average engineer's life...
    True that the real world is a bit scary but then thats the place we all are meant to be in..

    PS: The 'HazMat' was more like a 'HazaMat' to us.

  2. Nice one...... Slightly plagiarized/inspired???

    BTW, playing carrom in the gymkhana is not the same as going to the gym.....

  3. may seem plagiarized...but i had thought of it a long time back...and circumstances prevented a timely release......

  4. Well its great to see that at the end of it all you have come out positive!! Wonderful to see the belief that you have instilled in your family as well as the belief that they have in you!!

  5. dude.. gr8 post.. nicely written like always.. n ya give me all these pics dumass..!! :P

  6. Really nice post!Miss those times too...:(
    Ahh about the gym part,really?!!(petu:D)
    Change is inevitable but thats what makes life challenging,interesting and a learning process.
    All the best into the real world :)

  7. Really nice post, yeah.. good choice of pics too !!

  8. abt d family part, thnx..nice to knw it fr d frnds...i'm sure u knw that d trips n everyhtin wont end...not unless you let them...i mayb too young to comment bt life isnt only abt workin hard at ur job, bt also at ur frnds family, etc...n i knw u'll do it...:D
